What is the Irish Aid Award ?
This competition is sponsored by the Dept of Foreign Affairs, Trade & Development. It aims to increase an awareness of global development issues among primary school pupils. Projects are selected at regional finals throughout the country and finally one winning school from the top twelve schools. This year our project called "Let's Change Climate Change " was selected at the Limerick regional final and proceeded to the final awards held in Dublin Castle on 16th June. Vicarstown N.S. won the overall prize. However we were among the top finalists. Minister for Foreign Affairs Trade & Development, Charlie Flanagan, presented us with a magnificent crystal trophy. It was a fun filled day. We got to visit Dublin Castle and we even met the current Rose of Tralee, Ms Maria Walsh.
Read all about our project on 5th & 6th class page on school website
Read all about our project on 5th & 6th class page on school website
Rose of Tralee, Maria Walsh standing in front of our project which was on display in the exhibition hall. She read our project and was very impressed. We enjoyed her friendly, bubbly personality. She told us that she had just returned from a "Hope Project in India" She is very interested in promoting development for all and putting an end to poverty and hunger.
There was lots of entertainment on the day. Michael from Tanzania taught us a song in Swahali and a dance. We all danced and sang, even the teachers joined in too !! Minister Charlie Flanagan explained about the great work the Irish government does to promote education, health and community projects in developing countries. We sang our song called "Let's Change.." for all the other schools & guests
present . We didn't use any fossil fuels to perform our song , instead we used body percussion & some percussion instruments.
present . We didn't use any fossil fuels to perform our song , instead we used body percussion & some percussion instruments.