We are learning a new tidy up song in school
Welcome to Junior and Senior Infants! :)
Fάilte romhaibh go léir! Welcome to Junior and Senior Infants, Scoil Nάisiúnta Naomh Eoin, Rath. Our Infants teacher is Ms. Kathrena Ryan. We have 19 Junior Infants and 8 Senior Infants. We work hard in school and have lots of fun. Enjoy browsing our page!
Global Citizenship Week - December 2016
Tom Roche from "Just Forests" came to speak to Junior and Senior Infants about the importance of trees. We learned all about the uses of wood and where it comes from. John told us about the rainforests in the Amazon and the Congo. These great forests are the lungs of the world. We saw and played with lots of wooden instruments and utensils from the rainforests. Rainforests are extremely important as they are home to many animals and peoples. They provide the world with oxygen, water, trees and medicinal plants. We also learned about the fair trade symbol for wood.
Halloween - October 2016
Playtime is fun - We play to learn
Play, while it cannot change the external realities of children’s lives, can be a vehicle for children to explore and enjoy their differences and similarities and to create, even for a brief time, a more just world where everyone is an equal and valued participant - Patricia G. Ramsey, contemporary American educational psychologist